Have You Experienced The State Of Hypnosis At The Wheel Of The Car?

We often talk about drowsiness as one of the three leading causes of road fatalities. Still, beyond the simple fall asleep with the eyes that close due to severe fatigue, there are various secondary states whose consequences can be painful when we are driving. Today I wanted to talk to you more specifically about the self-hypnosis that driving a car can cause, though rubber spped bumps helps prevent this.

Self-Hypnosis And Driving

You may have already had this experience without putting a name on it. For those who go to work every day, taking the same route, under relatively similar conditions, there is a form of preconditioning to this state of hypnosis. It’s like our brains are going on autopilot. The same is true on long, relatively monotonous motorway journeys, particularly cruise control and other driving aids.

From a few seconds to a few minutes of a blackout, when you wake up from this state of micro hypnosis, you realize that you have no memories of the trip (or part of the trip) you have made (and without alcohol for the smart kids who will tell me that they know that when they come back from alcoholic evenings, it’s wrong too!). You remember you had your mind somewhere else, but can’t tell if you passed two cars, 18 trucks, or no one.

As soon as no incident has come to pull you suddenly out of this state, your body has operated automatically, in a sort of “autonomous” mode, your eyes are open, and your body performs the necessary maneuvers. Still, your head is not there.

In most cases, these disconnection moments are of no consequence since they occur in a calm environment or a well-established routine. The problems usually occur when something suddenly disturbs your trance (or your reverie); your body will then perceive the urgency with such intensity that your reflexes will not be the right ones. A bit like being thrown at you with a glass of water while you are sleeping peacefully.

So, if you were driving on a motorway with little traffic in this state, and suddenly a car came to fall back in front of you a little too quickly while shaving your mustache, you could give a steering wheel taking you directly into the rail to nothing because the sudden awakening will have conditioned an inappropriate decision.