3 Ways in Which Silver Jewellery Help You Stay Lovely and Healthy

Believe it or not, something that can make you look and feel your best can also help you stay in the pink of health. Long before humans could conduct intensive laboratory tests, silver was already being used to inhibit disease-causing germs’ growth and multiplication. For instance, voyagers dropped silver coins into their drinking water barrels. On the other hand, during World War I, open wounds were closed using silver sutures and covered with foil made out of the metal.

These days, scientists know exactly the reasons why silver has antimicrobial properties, which is why it is still being incorporated into an assortment of medical equipment and procedures. Aside from keeping infection at bay, the metal also helps fend off low self-esteem and self-confidence in the form of silver jewellery that many men and women alike love.

  • Optimised Core Temperature

Wearing fashion accessories out of silver is believed to help keep the body’s core temperature within the healthy and normal range. Maintaining the right temperature is crucial for stabilising various processes taking place internally.

For instance, the right core temperature can help keep the immune system in tip-top shape. The heat helps the body produce more germ-fighting immune cells. It’s for this exact reason why your temperature rises when an infection is taking place. It may seem fever is an enemy, but the fact is that it is helping your body to win a war against invading microbes.

In this day and age, having a strong immune system can help keep you from winding up hooked to a life support system due to catching a deadly virus.

However, adorning your body with fashion accessories out of silver alone won’t keep you free of COVID-19. You still have to pair silver with a healthy diet and regular exercise plus follow various health protocols such as wearing a mask, social distancing etc.

  • Improved Blood Circulation

Because of the temperature-optimising effects of silver jewellery, wearing these eye-catching items may also help improve blood circulation.

According to health authorities, having optimum blood circulation is crucial for keeping the different vital organs functioning properly. It’s because it helps ensure constant oxygen supply.

Proper blood circulation is also essential for the distribution of immune cells. Immune cells need to be transported to where an injury or trauma is, such as a skin wound, on time, for them to carry out their job before a serious infection happens. So, in other words, having tip-top blood circulation may prevent a respiratory infection from striking, which is what everyone on the planet is currently trying to steer clear of at all costs.

  • Enhanced Mental State

Suffering from anxiety and depression is quite common these days. It’s usually due to constantly worrying about the COVID-19 pandemic and the feeling of being isolated from family members and friends. The good news is that there are many all-natural ways to feel less anxious and depressed, and one of them is feeling good about yourself.

Adorning your body with beautiful jewellery can help increase happy hormones in the brain and lift the mood. This helps reduce anxiety and depression.

It also helps deal with complications such as sleep deprivation, digestive issues and problems with functioning properly at school or work. Being your best with silver accessories is not just a skin-deep act but a mental and physical health-boosting move, too.