How to weave a rug


  • For this task you will require
  • Loom with separable wrap bars
  • Tough cotton or cloth wrap string
  • Couple of bits of cardboard for wrapping,
  • Extra texture strips

You could also use some old and natural fabric if you have it stored. Color the texture with birch cones and iron for a darker shade and cut it longwise wide strips

Wrap the loom with one string for every notch, which implies that it utilizes half of the depressions on the heddle bar. Before you start a major venture that way, make tests with various sets and various widths of texture to see which blend you like best.

Start with putting a wide bit of cardboard between the rotating twist strings. It will keep the weaving from sliding down. Next, weave a couple of goes with a similar string you utilized for twist, to make sure about the base of your weaving. When you’re set, tie the two closures together and begin weaving with texture.

Now, don’t stress over associating the strips. Begin weaving, going over, under, over and so on single twist strings. Utilize a heddle bar to accelerate the procedure and make an opening between rotating twist strings.

When your texture is too short to even think about making another spend, it’s an ideal opportunity to interface it to the following strip. Set up the end, with the finishes confronting a similar course and overlay the tip. Make a little cut, making little eyelets in the two strips.

Presently, put the new strip to the one you woven with as of not long ago. The two finishes ought to go in the contrary bearings, the eyelets should coordinate, laying on the head of one another. New strip goes under the past strip.

Presently take the opposite finish of the new portion of texture and spot it on the head of the eyelet. Push it through the opening and get it through it. Continue pulling until two strips. There ought to be no cumbersome bunch shaping, rather a consistent continuation. Along these lines you can continue adding to the texture string, without having any remaining detail to deal with later.

The best thing about cloth carpets is that there is practically no completing required, when you are finished weaving, it’s fit to remove the loom and utilize it!

As you continue weaving, the twist strings may begin to maneuver into the inside. To maintain a strategic distance from that, attempt these two stunts, First of all, leave enough texture as an afterthought. Take a stab at leaving more than you might suspect is required. It will most presumably begin pulling in at any rate.

You can likewise control the situation of the twist strings utilizing a pen or shut scissors. Continue pushing the twist finishes outside as you go, ensuring the dispersing remains even.

Make sure to pound the texture appropriately. The floor covering should be thumped well in the event that you don’t need it to turn out feeble. For a strong structure utilize a fork or a brush to pound it and make the floor covering solid.

When you’ve woven the principal segment, the weaving shouldn’t descend any longer. Expel the cardboard and twist this first segment onto the lower bar, unscrewing the top and the base. Screw them back close once you loosen up enough twist.

Continue weaving, recalling about leaving enough texture on the sides and controlling the twist dividing. Mark advancement with a bit of red yarn appended to the most outward twist and measure the separation until you have enough woven.

When you’re set, much the same as we did at the absolute starting point, include a couple of goes of cotton string at the top and bunch the two closures together.

Nearly done! Begin cutting the twist strings in little gatherings of 2 and making an overhand bunch to shield the floor covering from disentangling. On the off chance that you don’t need the periphery, you can weave it in, later, or sew some texture tape around the edges.

Continue cutting the twist strings in the gatherings of 2 and making an overhand bunch. At the point when you’re set, there are only 2 closures to weave in on each side of the floor covering the ones tied together while protecting the weaving with a couple of flat goes of string. That is it. Your rug is ready.