Essential Things You Need to Know About Jersey Framing

When it comes to sports memorabilia, no single piece is better than a sports jersey. This is because jerseys are the epitome of collecting passion and team dedication. The names, numbers, and colours that are found in a particular jersey connect a fan to their sports team and connect a sports organization to their fanbase.

Since jerseys are quite important, they should not be tucked away in a closet or kept inside a wardrobe. Jerseys should be displayed so they can be seen and appreciated. However, it would help if you did not use a coat hanger to display your jersey because it won’t preserve its value. One way to proudly display this amazing piece of sports memorabilia is by using jersey framing techniques.

What Exactly is Jersey Framing?

Jersey framing is the process of storing a sports jersey through the use of a glass frame, according to an article by WikiHow. Jersey framing serves two very important functions, which include protection and presentation.

With proper framing, you will be able to display your prized jersey that showcases its amazing features that undoubtedly produce many compliments from house visitors. Jersey framing can also preserve the value of your jersey by protecting it from air pollution, light damage, humidity, and insects.

Types of Jersey Frames

There are two main options when choosing a frame for jersey framing, which include flat box frames and shadow box frames. Both of these frames can be used to protect and display your most valuable jerseys.

However, it is important to note that shadow box frames offer more customization since other items can be incorporated into the frame, such as plaques, pictures, and especially three-dimensional items.

Proper Layout and Folding

There are different ways on how jerseys can be laid out and folded inside a frame. However, the player’s number and the name must be visible, as well as any team logo that may be on the jersey. It would also be advantageous if the jersey is ironed to make sure that it stays in place inside the frame.

If you want your jersey to be perfectly laid out and folded, then it would be best that you contact a jersey framing service. By this way, professionals will be responsible for creating your framed jersey, and you are rest assured that they will do an exceptional job.

Always Choose High-Quality Materials

Jersey framing requires four main components, which include the glass cover, frame, the mattings, and the moulding. It would be best that you choose high-quality materials for your jersey frame to ensure that it is protected well. For instance, mattings and mouldings should be acid-free to prevent damaging the jersey in the future.

Also, the glass cover should have UV-protective coating to prevent sunlight and harmful UV rays from damaging and causing discolouration to your prized jersey. Whether you choose a wooden frame or steel frame, make sure that you select one that is durable to ensure that it will protect your jersey, and won’t break easily.


Having a jersey frame that displays your sports memorabilia in a visually appealing manner is important. Not only will it show your passion and dedication to your sports team, but also serve as a very important house decoration.

Jersey frames can fill up the blank spaces of your walls, and even complement your room’s design. The possibilities are endless, and your creativity is the limit. Check out a framing service today, and start your journey of preserving your jerseys and increasing their value.